How to use the Bitly API in Ruby
Link shortening has been around for a long time and Bitly is arguably the king of the link shorteners. It has support for shortening long URLs as well as custom short links, custom domains, and metrics to track how each link is performing.
Don't ever write your own function to parse URL parameters
Sometimes the platform we are building on provides more functionality than we can keep in our own heads. However, depending on the problem, we often find ourselves trying to write the code to solve the issue rather than finding and using the existing solution provided by the platform. I almost fell for this recently when trying to parse a query string.
Restart your app and not your tunnel with ngrok and nodemon
When I am developing web applications in Node.js, I like the server to restart when I make changes, so I use nodemon. When I am developing an application that consumes webhooks or that I want to share publicly, I use ngrok. In fact, I like ngrok so much, I volunteered to help maintain the Node.js wrapper for ngrok.
How to display dates in your user's time zone with the Intl API
Time zones are hard. Not only are there a lot of them, but they don’t fit nicely into whole hour blocks, daylight savings time changes individual zones some of the time, and zones move around and change all the time. In short, it is a hassle.
How to stream file downloads in Node.js with Got
Got is a Node.js library for making HTTP requests. It has both promise and stream based APIs and in this post I want to explore how to use the stream API to download files.
I built a VSCode extension: ngrok for VSCode
Over the Easter weekend, a four day weekend characterised by lockdowns all over the world, I decided to use the extra time I had at home to start a new project and learn a new skill. By the end of the weekend I was proud to release my first VSCode extension: ngrok for VSCode.
Making a responsive Twitch Embed
I’ve been trying out streaming live code on Twitch which is a lot of fun. I wanted to share on my own site that I was streaming so I have built a page dedicated to it. The page will evolve, but one of the first things I wanted to include on it was an embed of my Twitch stream and chat.
The story of a mildly popular Ruby gem
The list on GitHub of repositories that depend on your repository is scary.
Mistakes I've made treating file paths as strings
Some things you do as a developer can work for you for years, then turn around and bite you when you were least expecting. These are the things that you wish another developer had told you early in your career so you never had to make the mistakes. This post is about one of those things and if you’re reading this, consider it me telling you.
How to find CFPs for developer conferences
So you’ve decided to speak at a developer conference? You have a story you want to share with your peers—how you built something, how you learned something new, how you became a better developer and how everyone else can too—but you need to find a stage on which to share this story.
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